Both fields are roughly the same size, 4 Acres - For detailed information on both fields, have a look at their dedicated pages
The Village Field?
- The Village Field has high hedges all around giving it a more sheltered feel, it may be better for dogs who are intimidated if they can see too far
- The village field is close to pubs and has a coffee shop a couple of hundred yards up the road
- Your dogs may spot other dogs walking past the village field, through the fence and hedge
- The Village Field has more passing traffic (mostly on foot) as it's opposite the pavilion, football field and village play area which you may hear
- The Village Field has the Instagram board
The Farm Field?
- The Farm Field has spectacular views of the fen
- The Farm Field has no visibility out onto the road or of any passing traffic/dogs
- The Farm Field has the highest fencing and gates so best for extreme jumpers
- The Farm Field has a hose and spray gun for paws & boots wash off
- The Farm Field has the Instagram board and the jumps
- The Farm Field neighbours a field with ponies in, some dogs will love this, most will not care but a few it may cause an issue for
- The Farm field is generally dryer than the Village Field